  • George, you got up long before anyone else.  You love having quiet play time to yourself
  • Lila and George, we played in Mundy Park this morning for 2 and a half hours.  You guys amaze me constantly with your imaginative play.  You had your ninjas and dragons with you and created a whole world.  It was so fun to watch
  • We are so fortunate to live where we do.  Imagine...we live in a condo in the middle of the city, and this is where you get to play
  • Lila, your drawings are so cute.  You're adding more detail and making patterns.  Your self portraits crack me up.   You love to draw series of yourself as you grew from a baby to the big girl you are now.  You're experimenting with writing more and more.  You're on the verge of reading.  You're really close