i sink dewe's a wock in my shoe

i sink dewe's a wock in my shoe
  • Tia was overnight for a sleep over last night.  We played Munchkins this morning.  It was my first time playing a role playing type game.  Isn't that weird?  I'm 41 years old and I've never played one before
  • George and Lila, you were WILD after dinner, so I took you to the forest to burn off some steam
  • Lila, you found a fungi and were trying to get it off the stump.  You couldn't do it, so George offered to get it for you.  He bashed it with his stick until it fell off.  You thanked him and he replied "You wewcome.  It was my pweasure" 
  • Lila, you found a plastic snowflake in the forest.  You were amazed by it's beauty and overjoyed when I said you could bring it home