dear melissa

dear melissa
  • I received a lovely gift in the mail out of the blue.  The note that accompanied it made me cry.  Thanks Jenn for doing that.  It made my day...or more accurately, probably my year.  It's going on permanent display at the Newbery house
  • Every morning, you guys join me in bed.  First is George (in the middle of the night), then Katie.  Usually you two leave after a bit and Katie makes breakfast for you both.  Then it's Jane, and finally (but not always) Lila.
  • George, you like to sit on my bedside table.  You say it's your special spot
  • Jane, you were home sick from school.  Lila was delighted.  She brushed your hair then snuggled with you as you watched a movie
  • We planted primulas in the flower box at front.  Lila, you looked like a seasoned gardener
  • Lila and George, you played the weirdest game for the longest time this evening.  You wrapped hockey players in slime, then pretended they were "popping out of a uterus."  You did this for a looooooooong time and giggled and laughed and had the best time
  • George, you're obsessed with breasts.  You told us "My bweafts are weawwy wittew.  But vewy bwave."