choosing a fish
  • I'm actually writing this on Dec 5, and we all know how bad my memory is, so I'm going to do my best to recall a couple things from this day.  Wish me luck.
  • Jane, I had a meeting with your English teacher today.  What a nice man!  Your school councilor joined us as well.  You are surrounded by so many people who are more than happy to help you and support you in any way you need.  I'm really very grateful. 
  • George and Lila, you have declared us READY (!!!!!) to get a fish.  You're confident that you know the rules and know exactly what we should and shouldn't do with a fish.  
  • We all went to the pet store to pick our lucky new family member.  It took quite some time.  Everyone was distracted by the rats and mice and bunnies. 
  • We discussed his name on the trip back home.  Lila, you wanted to name him Love.  Nobody else wanted to.  You were insistent.  Katie, you wanted Mr Fluffy.  Jane, you suggested Mr. Fluffy-Love. Hahahaha.  Everyone agreed instantly.  His full name was decided.  Mr. Richard A. Fluffy-Love.  A distinguished name for a handsome little guy.
  • I forgot to take a picture of him, so I'll have to post one later.