  • I've been waiting (impatiently!!!) for a client to go into labour.  As of today, she is 13 days overdue.  OMG.  I can't imagine.  I would be crazy by that time.  I don't know how she's still sane.
  • She called me this evening because she was having some contractions , and I decided to head over to her house, even if it was just for a little visit.  Her daughter Ellen is the cutest thing ever, so it's pure joy to be there.  
  • Marla decided to try the castor oil trick, and drank a milk shake laced with it.  She's so brave.  I was always too chicken to try it.
  • We waited and waited, and nothing happened, so she ended up going to bed and I headed home to wait some more.  Hopefully something happens soon!!!
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