spring sky

spring sky
  • Jane and Katie, you went to the movies with auntie Georgia this afternoon.  On the way out the door, I made you stand in front of the cherry blossom tree at the front stairs.  You weren't super impressed, but then decided to do the Prom pose.  It was amazing.
  • The sun came out today.  I looked up and saw the blossoms against that beautiful blue sky and fluffy clouds and my heart filled with gratitude and joy.  What beauty.  I can't believe I get to witness this on a plain old regular Sunday afternoon.
  • I continued working on the 2012 photo album today.  I've already got 1200 photos to include in it. Wow.  I wonder what future years will look like!  I think I may need to split the years into two different books.
  • George, you bit Lila late this afternoon.  Sigh.  I don't know what to do when you bite.  I've heard advice that I should bite you back, but that doesn't make sense to my mommy heart, but I'm totally at a loss as what to do.  I sent you to your room, and you quickly fell asleep.  I think you were just tired.  Do you still need a nap?  
  • George, I decided to take advantage of the fact you fell  asleep in the daylight and take some photos.  You're precious.  I love how you still rub your blankie between your fingers as you drift off to dream land. 
  • Jane and Katie, I hung black out curtains on your beds a few weeks ago.  I have a feeling I may regret it someday soon.  You loooooooove to be on your beds with the curtains drawn.  Every time I walk into your room I'm greeted with the sight.  Oh well, I'm glad you like it.  From day one, I always planned on hanging curtains to give each of you a little more privacy and allow you to share a room with a bit more ease.